Apple Pie Festival Timeline
(Printable PDF) (Download MS Word File)
September, first three weeks
BOD, at Sept meeting, will review price structure and make changes if needed.
- Event information submitted to District Toolbox, deadline 9/20 (???how)
- Event Lead obtains from Publicity lead:
- donor solicitation letter to be distributed to members last meeting of month
- cardstock event signs to be distributed to members last meeting of month
- Thank you notes/envelopes to be mailed to door prize donor
- Create elementary school flyers approved by Superintendent
- Big metal sign (for Rte 50/Lakehill TIB corner) revised by Pendleton Signs if price change
- Repairs/replaces small roadside signs
Reserve MC/Entertainment/Room. Submit Insurance Voucher. Once date & time are set.
- Reserve MC/Entertainment.
- Contact last year–s lead to see if will continue and if changes needed
- Reserve Room by mid-month.
- Contact last year–s lead to see if will submit room reservation.
- Submit Insurance Voucher to school district early October.
- Contact last years– lead to see if will submit insurance voucher.
- Should have 6-700? on hand; If no changes, reuse old ones;
- Have new ones made at Mail’nMore. They have copy of last year–s ticket and can modify if needed
Food (Contact last year’s leads to see if will continue)
- Pies
- Ice Cream, Cheese, Pizza(for working Rotary members)
- Coffee and Cider
- Supplies-1 (paper goods, smaller consumables)
Last meeting in September
- Distribute event signs for members to hang locally
- Circulate the list of business to solicit for door prizes along with donor solicitation-�letter. Review where donations will be held prior to the event-either with Chris Nyhan if he is MC, or members can bring to event.
First meeting in October
(October usually only has two meetings due to Columbus Day and the Taste of Burnt Hills)
- Will supply cardstock signs for polling places, to be distributed at meeting prior to Election Day (if not obtained prior); will supply thank you notes and envelopes for event lead to send to door prize donors (if not already obtained)
- Review room rental request approved and insurance voucher submitted
- Review commitments obtained
- Distribute in packs of 15
- 100?? tickets to Chris Nyhan
- Circulate pie-baking (in lieu of $20) sign up sheet-3 pies or $20
- Review commitments of leads for pies, ice cream, cheese, beverages, supplies 1 and supplies 2
- Supplies-1: complete inventory 3rd week of Oct and obtain supplies needed.
- Supplies-2: any changes needed and if supplies needed
Event Worker Sign Up Sheet
- Circulate sign up sheet and note any changes in how things will be done
Outside of meeting
- Mid month: Roadside signs placed; large metal sign placed in TIB corner Post event on FB and public area of club website
- Supplies 1: complete inventory 3rd week of Oct and obtain supplies needed.
- Event lead obtains permission from BHBL Food Services Director for permission to use high speed coffee makers. (Check with last year–s lead to see if problems)
Last meeting in October
Event lead: distributes cardstock event signs for polling places;(signs labeled with where to place them at each location)
- Re-circulate pie baking sign up sheet; remind about $20 payment
- Re-circulate worker sign up sheet
- Remind members to email Publicity and event chair once door prizes obtained
- Review any other issues
End of October/Week prior to event
- Email members about work schedule commitments
- Create list of donations for MC
- Publicity takes flyers to elementary schools early in the week prior for distribution
- Apple pies, cider, ice cream cheese are ordered
- Collect supplies located at TH prior to election day as the room is used as a polling place
Day of event
- Set up of beverages/tables/ serving area begins by 4
- Pies, cider, ice cream, cheese delivered by 4:30
- Pie cutting and serving area set up begins at 4:30-cut only enough slices to cover serving area; to-go boxes available in service area 6 pieces/pie
- Cheese set up at end of pie service table
- Ice cream set up at end of the line; basket of forks/napkins
- Placemats set out on tables- not the tables on the far wall; replace as needed
- Ticket seller and door prize/membership tables set up; post door prize donor sign (2016: had total of 2 tables as Woman–s club had a table) ticket seller keeps track of # of guests, whole pies sold, encourages guests to fill out name/phone on stub for door prize drawings
- Cash provided by treasurer; basket for ticket stubs on ticket seller table; pens also
- Event lead has list of door prizes prepared for MC
- Help entertainment bring in equipment, if needed
Event runs 5-8pm
- Pizza delivery ~5:30pm; set up behind pie service area
- ~7:15pm -7:30pm an announcement can be made that whole pies are available for sale $10; if it is determined that there is a surplus; pies left over after the event are served at the next meeting; notify Food chair so that caterer does not supply dessert for the meeting.
- 8:00pm clean up begins: wash and put away all trays/HS service utensils; toss placemats left on tables; remove any signs hung on walls; pick up all trash; saving pie tins is at the discretion of clean up crew.
- Offer pizza and 2 pies to kitchen staff
- Take remaining pies, cheese, cider to keep for next meeting; use for dessert
After the event
- Event lead mails thank you notes
- 2 pies are brought to Pendleton
- All roadside signs removed
- Count # unsold tickets left over to determine how many to order for next year
- Members give receipts to Treasurer for reimbursement
- Event lead creates summary: amounts ordered/used; #guests, final thoughts; suggestions for next year.