Apple Run Timeline
(Printable pdf) (Download MS Word File)
- Middle School Facilities Use Rental submitted BHBL CSD website, online?
- Sponsor letters mailed: need copy, and list
- Timing Company: AREEP cc order
- USTAF Insurance; insurance for what? cc order/invoice
- Create spreadsheet for race sign ups- Tom can create a blank
- PR: Create Race application (Chris Nyhan will help) need cc; make sure to include sponsors logos on form (all the sponsors?);
- PR: Sign up with for registration (runner registration? race registration?)need cc
- PR: Update Rotary web site with current application form
- PR: List Race on Runner Sites (need webpage names and info to be entered)
- Saratoga Stryders
- Fulton Montgomery RR Club
- PR: Set dates for Rotary meetings: 1 to label mailings (July), 1 to stuff goodie bags (Monday before race); contact President Elect for dates.
- PR: Social media: twitter (whose?) FB-ours? anybody else? we can post on other club pages; update club web site home page to feature the AR
- PR: Advertising: Adirondack Sports&Fitness (2 month ad)
- Gazette-community page
- TV?
- Hometown-August edition Apple Run 5k
Need addresses of above and sample ads
- PR: Combine last years entry list with this years Charlton 5K list (why?-for email blast?)
- PR: Print labels for mailing (mailing what? where does the list come from?)
- PR: Copy application forms for mailing and elementary school distribution; need copies and does the form going to the elementary school need district approval?
- PR: Get large and small signs updated by AJ signs (need pix of the sign or copy of what is put on sign); how iinvoiced?
- PR: Bring all material to meeting for mailing (what material?-labels and postcards?)
- Safety: Form committee to determine safety issues and how to deal with them (Ken).
- Review last years race for issues that came up or procedures to modify.
- Review:
- Do we need detours?
- Do we need more volunteers? Minimum #
- Fire Department-what about them? phone #?
- Contact t-shirt company: what information do we give them and/or request?
- Art for tshirts: check with Gini re: criteria
- PR: Send email blast to all on the combined Apple Run and Charlton 5K list; need copy of email
- PR: Contact sponsors for race bag donations (contact how? what are we asking for need copy)
- PR: Place race signs in Glenville (where?)
- Safety: Contact: State police phone #?
- Glenville police phone #
- Saratoga County Sheriff phone #
What are we asking for? Is it just a notification?
- Contact Ham operators- are there any we usually contact?
- Contact Ballston Lake Emergency Squad- what are we asking for?
- Door Prizes: ? buy? solicit? how?
- Order Bibs, spray chalk, pins, from Rainbow Racing; cc order/invoice
- Order awards from Goldstocks (early Sept); pictures, engraving sample; cc order/invoice
- Create Label for bibs: sample, what size? how many; who does it?
- Order food for Race Day: Dino’s, Apple from FoCastle, bagels from PC need amounts, cost, how paid for
- PR: Re-send email blast to combined Apple Run and Charlton 5K list mid months
- PR: bring all goodie bag material to RC meeting the Monday before the race
- Safety: ensure committee members have schedule, course map and station locations
- Ask club members to sign up for tasks the night before and day of the race-need copy of sign up sheet?
- Proof of Rotary Insurance for School District?
Week before the race: check with Middle School (Who? Number? Email?) to see if can set up in cafeteria the night before
Friday night before the race:
- Set up the Finish Line
- Mark out the Fun Run Mile
- Pick Up pizza, apples
- If possible, set up cafeteria- need floor plan
Day of the race
- Safety:
- Cone the road
- Place course monitors
- Place Ham operators
- Sweeper care at the end of the race
- Set up detours
- Safety meeting of all course monitors: items reviewed
The day of items need to be fleshed out