by Burnt Hills / Ballston Lake Rotary Club | Aug 23, 2021 | Rotateller
ROTATELLER 23Aug2021 E Guillermo introduced his topics as “Preparing for Retirement” & “lowering potential future taxes including gift...
by BH BL Rotary | Aug 9, 2021 | Rotateller
ROTATELLER 09Aug21 E District Governor, Bruce McConnolee outlined a plan that will fulfill the new Rotary “Build Bigger” Theme. “Come up with a new project that will have great community...
by Burnt Hills / Ballston Lake Rotary Club | Aug 2, 2021 | Rotateller
ROTATELLER 02Aug2021 E Dedicated volunteer Karen English provided us an excellent overview of the Galway Regional Food...
by BH BL Rotary | Jul 19, 2021 | Rotateller
ROTATELLER 19Jul21 E We had the pleasure of hearing from two very bright young students who have recently graduated from the BHBL High School: Ammon Smith and Bella...
by Burnt Hills / Ballston Lake Rotary Club | Jun 21, 2021 | Rotateller
ROTATELLER 21Jun21 E. Two awardees of BHBL Rotary scholarships, Madelyn Crawford and Haleigh Deming, joined us to talk about their future school...
by Burnt Hills / Ballston Lake Rotary Club | Jun 7, 2021 | Rotateller
ROTATELLER 7Jun21 E Rev 1 Jim Tracy, a local author who wrote “Sworn to Silence” talked about his book. The book is about Robert Garrow, a serial rapist and killer, whose crimes took place in New York in the...
by BH BL Rotary | May 24, 2021 | Rotateller
BHBL ROTATELLER 05-24-2021 E Meg Soden and Greg Stevens from Saratoga County 4H talked about 4H programs and the new building they are planning to...
by BH BL Rotary | May 10, 2021 | Rotateller
ROTATELLER 10May21 E Katie Duell, O’Rourke Middle School teacher and students from the “Future City” team talked about their first-place win at the annual Regional Future City Competition and their fifth place in the...
by Burnt Hills / Ballston Lake Rotary Club | May 3, 2021 | Rotateller
ROTATELLER 3May21 Walter reminisced about his youth in 1941-1944 during in WWII. His normal educational progression was interrupted by the war and he found himself in the University of Manchester studying physics as a basis for training as a radar...
by BH BL Rotary | Apr 26, 2021 | Rotateller
ROTATELLER 26Apr21 E Superintendent Patrick McGrath, Assistant Superintendent for Instruction David Collins, and Assistant Superintendent for Support Services Christopher Abdoo presented the 2020-21 school year...