Planning Guide – Community Breakfast
(Printable pdf) (Download MS Word File)
Step 1 – Have tickets printed (see sample). Mail –n More – historically
Step 2 – Have advertising posters prepared (see sample). Gini Whetten has done this in the past.
Step 3 – Road signs preparation. Smaller signs have been prepared and put out by Gini and Rey Whetten. The large sign frame is in the Town Hall basement. It is also used to advertise the Apple Pie Festival. The breakfast sign (new 2014) is made so the date and price can be stripped and changed. Pendleton Sign Co. Ken Crotty and Bill Wehrle have put up the large sign. This needs to be staked in. All hardware is kept with the sign. Need a screw gun with Phillips head and 1/4in. drive socket and a heavy hammer for driving in 4 stakes.
Step 4 – Ads are placed in the local newspapers. Steve Caine has done this in the past. Peter Parker has also sent the ad through the Senior Citizen Center network.
Step 5 – Draw up a duty roster and needs list. (see samples)
Step 6 – Engage a visit to other local Rotary Clubs for the sale of tickets. We did Scotia and Glenville in 2014. Try Ballston Spa next year as well.
Posters can and have been posted at the following locations by club members:
- Gil–s Garage
- Stewarts – Main St. & Rte. 50 Marcella–s
- Mail –n More
- Charlton General Store
- Charlton Tavern
- Lakeside Farms Fo–castle Farms
- Burnt Hills Hardware
- BH/BL Library Country Acres
- Others?
The following churches will also add the event to their bulletins:
- United Methodist Church
- Immaculate Conception RC Church
- Good Shepard Lutheran Church
- Our Lady of Grace RC Church
The Major order for 2/26/14 came from US Foods of Clifton Park. Our contact there is Tony Callanan 879-3005. Since we do not have an account we use Town of Ballston Republican Committee account. In any event the purchase is COD. Amounts below are amended to reflect estimated needs since we ran out of some items:
- 1 – case pancake flour (30lbs)
- 4 – pails fruit salad
- 3 – cases Hatfield little link sausage
- 3 – cases cooked bacon
- 2 – cases frozen eggs (30lbs)
- 1 – case home fries (30lbs)
We tried bagels in 2014 that weren–t popular. Try a substitute. Gini suggests donut holes. Try an assortment – simple to add and self-serve.
Real maple syrup was supplied by Maple Acres in 2014. Two cases were used to fill a pitcher for each table and there were quarts available for sale (not advertised in 2014)
The following items were purchased at Price Chopper:
- Suggesting a small syrup for each table (we had 13 tables in 2014)
- Make sugarless syrup available but little used.
- 7- lbs butter
- 8- Gals milk
- 5-lbs sugar
- 1-package gluten –free pancake mix
- 5 to 7 cans Weiman–s Wild blueberries (wild blueberries are smaller and work better in the batter).
Peter Parker lists items that we have brought from our supplies:
- Plastic silverware
- Cups for coffee
- Napkins
- Apple sauce
- Tea
- Syrup (adjust from above)
- Coffee stirrers
- Paper plates (ran out 2014 – 500?)
- Smaller cups for juice
- Place mats
- Flour
- Coffee
- Sterno (ran our 2014)**
- 8 1–2- Gals orange juice
- 6-dozen eggs*
- 2-quarts canola oil
- 8-oz powdered cinnamon
**We had 4 steam baths set up – eggs, bacon, sausage, pancakes
*Generally figure on 2 eggs per pound of pancake mixEquipment
Discuss what is needed such as the grill, utensils, steam racks etc. and where it–s located. Club members might also loan items such as coolers, mixers, etc.
Gil–s supplied a cash box for use.
Counter device at the door to capture attendance.
The Interact Students can and should be invited to participate. We have offered them $2 of each ticket they sell. They came and were very helpful this year. It was good to have aprons that they could wear identifying them as participants.