Rotary Insurance:
As of 30 August 2017, Arthur J. Gallagher (AJG) is the new insurance broker for the Program. To access insurance information online, such as certificates of insurance, policy summaries, and incident/claim forms, please visit Gallagher Insight website:
All U.S. Rotarians will need to use the below credentials:
Password: rotarian1
U.S. Rotarians can also contact Gallagher
Note: If your club or district had previously obtained a Certificate of Insurance from Lockton for an upcoming event, that Certificate is still valid because the coverage has not changed – only the Broker.
If you have any questions please email Rotary Risk Management at
or Call:
Julita Brzozowska, Risk Manager (847) 424-5394
Carol Dietz, Assistant Risk Manager (847) 424-5245
Katie Rabs, Risk Management Specialist (847) 866-4494