Rotateller Jan 27, 2020

Rotateller Jan 27, 2020

Rotateller_27Jan20 Past President Jon Costolo led the presentation of material from a recent District Membership training meeting and reflected on the importance of membership to our club and the...
Rotateller Jan 6, 2020

Rotateller Jan 6, 2020

Carolyn Huston is the President of BHBL Special Education Parent Teachers Association. They help parents find information and resources for special needs children.  She also gave statistics showing that special needs students have been increasing in BHBL schools as...
Rotateller Oct 21, 2019

Rotateller Oct 21, 2019

Kim grew up with ponies and spoke about her personal growth caring for and riding from an early age. She married a horse racing enthusiast which brought the Wiers to New York State and Saratoga Springs and to Kim’s role in the Thoroughbred Retirement...